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About Us

Brivado Cigars stands as a distinguished purveyor of premium, hand-rolled cigars with a sophisticated cigar lounge and event space in the heart of New Jersey.

At the helm, Brian Agnew, its founder, found a way to combine his love for cigars, scotch, and champagne into a celebration of life. His philosophy of cherishing moments is the driving force behind Brivado Cigars, making it a unique and indulgent experience in the cigar aficionado landscape.

The establishment is designed for comfort and tranquility. It features a walk-in humidor, an array of luxurious accessories, and private cigar storage for connoisseurs. Guests are encouraged to take advantage of its advanced ventilation system, plush leather sofas, and high-definition TVs.

Brivado Cigars takes pride in curating an environment filled with joy and strives to ensure memorable experiences for every guest with every visit.


Brian D. Agnew, Ph.D.

Founder & Visionary

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